Is the Sand Dryer the Higher the Temperature, the Greater the Yield?

2024-07-12 10:04:12

As we all know, the river sand dryer is to achieve dehydration and drying through the contact of high humidity river sand and high temperature flue gas in the drum and heat exchange. Therefore, temperature is one of the important factors in the drying process of river sand. However, some users in the process of drying river sand, often increase the temperature in the drying cylinder, thinking that this can increase the output of the river sand dryer. So, the higher the temperature of the river sand dryer, the greater his output?

1. First of all, there are many factors affecting the output of river sand dryer, and the temperature in the drying cylinder is only one of the reasons affecting the drying efficiency and quality of river sand. It is undeniable that in the operation of drying river sand, if the temperature in the drying cylinder is too low, it will cause the phenomenon of incomplete or uneven drying of river sand, and then reduce the yield and quality of river sand drying. However, if the temperature is too high, it is easy to form a paste phenomenon.

2. Secondly, when the river sand is drying, the main function of the internal lifting plate device is to continuously discard the river sand to increase the contact area between the material and the high temperature and ensure the uniformity of the distribution of the material in the drying cylinder. Therefore, the appropriate lifting plate device and the temperature in the drying cylinder work together and cooperate with each other to affect the output of the sand dryer.

3. Finally, even if the temperature of the sand dryer is high enough, if we cannot maintain the appropriate air volume, the high-temperature smoke can not enter the drying cylinder well, and the desired effect can not be achieved. At the same time, if the drum of the river sand dryer does not do enough sealing, there will be air leakage in the process of river sand drying, which will inevitably affect the drying rate of river sand, and then reduce the output of the river sand dryer.

In short, there is more than one factor affecting the output of the sand dryer, and we should analyze the specific situation in the actual application process, not the higher the temperature, the greater his output will be. The correct use of methods and skills is an important way to increase the output of river sand dryer.

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