How to choose Sand Dryer Equipment?

2024-07-11 15:13:25

Sand is a common granular material, which is used in construction, road construction, filtration, culture and beautification, and when smelting fast solvents exist in many aspects of social life. We can see the figure of sand everywhere in our daily life, it has become an indispensable part of our daily life, sand in the application process many times need to be processed to be used, sand dryer in this link plays an important role, the current market production of dryer manufacturers more, For those who do not buy experience, they do not know how to buy the right sand dryer for them. Today, we will explain how to buy sand dryer equipment for you.

1. Choose the right type of sand dryer:
At present, there are many manufacturers producing dryers on the market, and there are more types of dryers. Common types of dryers include tumble dryers, long drum sand dryers, tower dryers, three-return sand and other drying equipment. Due to the relatively stable chemical nature of sand, water often only exists on the surface of the material, and the water content is not large. All the general choice of tumble dryer to dry, the sand in the lifting plate is constantly raised, and then with the action of gravity and fall, in the process of falling contact with the hot air to achieve the purpose of evaporation of water. Due to its simple structure, wide range of applications, and low price, tumble dryer is recognized by many users. It is a very mature product, please rest assured that users can buy it. In addition, our company has developed an energy-saving sand dryer, which can save about 50% of energy than common drying equipment, and is a little more than tumble dryer in the selected output range.

2. Choose the sand dryer model that suits you
Each dryer is divided into large, small and medium-sized and other models for different user groups, the price between each model is also very different, users should according to their actual needs to develop their own production plan, choose a reasonable dryer model, reduce unnecessary investment, while reducing their own production costs, increase market competitiveness. Dryer in the purchase of the model is generally according to the actual throughput (per hour to process the amount of raw materials) to do the model, so the user should first select how many tons of raw materials they are prepared to process per hour in order to meet their requirements, so that the purchase of a reasonable model.

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